Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Coldsores and Computers

A couple weeks ago a friend of mine told me a story about running into his xgf. She had what looked like a coldsore on her lip, and it didn't look like the kind that comes through spontaneous generation. He pointed it out, and said "Did [insert name of new fling] give you that?" She blushed and said "Yeah, probably."

Right now the computer in my bedroom is totally not working. That makes two ruined computers in my room, probably both victims of the same abuse. I'm writing this from a computer in the Santa Clara City Library. I might be coming back regularly just to do email and things like that. It's oppressive, in a way. I can't do internet things just whenever I want. I actually have to plan out the things I want to do online. I can't just go here, click on this, and listen to that. But it's liberating for the same reasons. I won't be spending all evening on the computer. I'll be doing other things. This week I'll be spending my evenings studying for the LSAT. And now I have plenty of time to, since I can't be consuming my hours reading articles on LRC and Mises.org and C4SS and Libertarian Papers or reading articles on alternative religions or viewing tasteful adult art.

Now, my recent liberation doesn't make up for the loss. Several hundred dollars' worth (or maybe several thousand, idk) of hardware is sitting useless on and under my desk. My dad too will have to be going to public libraries to check his facebook, since he can't access facebook from work. And the essays I've been working on but not backing up are probably lost forever, or until I'm motivated enough to re-write them. I had a great one coming, entitled "The Right to Die and Its Limits". When it's done, it will show that the inaliability of will means "Living Wills" are illegitimate in almost all cases, since they amount to handing over one's control over oneself. I pity you all for having to wait longer to read it.

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I am a part-time philosopher and a former immigration paralegal with a BA in philosophy and a paralegal certificate from UC San Diego.